Level 2: The Pebble In Your Shoe

In level 2 we'll work with the deepest level of the machine: the motive power of the machine: the Pebble.

The Pebble is the Soul Desire that is driving you, again and again, to try, and no failure, no punishment, no suffering is big enough to stop you...

In this course we'll listen to this Soul Desire and create a structure that we can manage easily so we can have our cake and eat it...

You can't get out of the machine, but you can take the machine with you to wherever the Soul Desire takes you. The machine and the Soul Desire are two seeming mutually exclusive outcomes, but it is possible to manage so you can have your cake and eat it too...

It's an exacting process, and you definitely need training and supervision while you are learning it.

  1. Access to the recorded classes
  2. Homework and answers to guide you

"Have you had enough of the roller coaster? Once you feel you are up... that you're on the right path, you immediately start going down?"

And Then Tou Use All your energies to grieve, beat yourself up, blame others, be upset, depressed, slighted, and utterly miserable...

Instead of life going upward... the way you feel it should... and you would have financial success, health, and fulfillment and love...
Without being afraid that the roller coaster will go down again!

From: Sophie Benshitta Maven
Date: Tuesday 10:46 am

Why is it important? This is, more or less everyone's problem, a human problem.

And unfortunately there is no solution, no answer to this roller coaster issue in the visible reality, the reality that 99.99% of the people who teach, write, know and advise from.

So you are not alone. I've been there, and to some degree, I am still there in certain areas of my life, the areas that are harder for me to manage.

Some six-seven years ago I realized that even if you do everything right, this roller coaster, I call the machine, is still operating and destroys partially or fully all you have achieved.

So I started to research it, work with a group of people to see what there is to see, and the result is this course, Level 2.

I have students who came from having spent decades in different programs that promised an ever after successful, fulfilling life... and yet they experienced all their dreams go up in smoke.

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